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H-index: 56 (ISI Web of Knowledge) ou 71 (Google Scholar)

G-index: 151 (ISI Web of Knowledge)

I10-index: 148 (Google Scholar)

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Faïn X., Etheridge D.M., Fourteau K., Martinerie P., Trudinger C.M., Rhodes R.H., Chellman N.J., Langenfelds R.L., McConnell J.R., Curran M.A.J., Brook E.J., Blunier T., Teste G., Grilli R., Lemoine A., Sturges W.T., Vannière B., Freitag J. and Chappellaz J.
Faïn X., Rhodes R.H, Place P., Petrenko V.V., Fourteau K., Chellman N., Crosier E., McConnell J.R., Brook E.J., Blunier T., Legrand M. and Chappellaz J.
CH4 and N2O fluctuations during the penultimate deglaciation
Climate of the Past 17, p. 1627-1643, 2021
Schmidely L., Nehrbass-Ahles C., Schmitt J., Han J., Silva L., Shin J., Joos F., Chappellaz J., Fischer H. and Stocker T.F.
Antarctic surface temperature and elevation during the Last Glacial Maximum
Science 372, p. 1097-1101, 2021
Buizert C., Fudge T.J., Roberts W.H.G., Steig E.J., Sherriff-Tadano S., Ritz C., Lefebvre E., Edwards J., Kawamura K., Oyabu I., Motoyama H., Kahle E.C., Jones T.R., Abe-Ouchi A., Obase T., Martin C., Corr H., Severinghaus J.P., Beaudette R., Epifanio J.A., Brook E.J., Martin K., Chappellaz J., Aoki S., Nakazawa T., Sowers T.A., Alley R.B., Ahn J., Sigl M., Severi M., Dunbar N.W., Svensson A., Fegyveresi J., He C., Liu Z., Zhu J., Otto-Bliesner B., Lipenkov V.Y., Kageyama M. and Schwander J.
The SUBGLACIOR drilling probe: hydraulic considerations
Annals of Glaciology, p. 1-12, 2020
Alemany O., Talalay P., Boissonneau P., Chappellaz J., Chemin J.F., Duphil R., Lefebvre E., Piard L., Possenti P. and Triest J.
Shin J., Nehrbass-Ahles C., Grilli R., Chowdhry Beeman J., Parrenin F., Teste G., Landais A., Schmidely L., Silva L., Schmitt J., Bereiter B., Stocker T.F., Fischer H. and Chappellaz J.
Nehrbass-Ahles C., Shin J., Schmitt J., Bereiter B., Joos F., Schilt A., Schmidely L., Silva L., Teste G., Grilli R., Chappellaz J., Hodell D., Fischer H. and Stocker T.F.
Continuous in situ measurement of dissolved methane in Lake Kivu using a membrane inlet laser spectrometer
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 9, p. 141-151, 2020
Grilli R., Darchambeau F., Chappellaz J., Mugisha A., Triest J. and Umutoni A.
Fourteau K., Martinerie P., Faïn X., Ekaykin A.A., Chappellaz J. and Lipenkov V.
Jansson P., Triest J., Grilli R., Ferré B., Silyakova A., Mienert J. and Chappellaz J.
Yeung L.Y., Murray L.T., Martinerie P., Witrant E., Hu H., Banerjee A., Orsi A. and Chappellaz J.
Grilli R., Triest J., Chappellaz J., Calzas M., Desbois T., Jansson P., Guillerm C., Ferré B., Lechevallier L., Ledoux V. and Romanini D.
Fourteau K., Faïn X., Martinerie P., Landais A., Ekaykin A.A., Lipenkov V.Y. and Chappellaz J.
Parrenin F., Cavitte M.G.P., Blankenship D.D., Chappellaz J., Fischer H., Gagliardini O., Masson-Delmotte V., Passalacqua O., Ritz C., Roberts J., Siegert M.J. and Young D.A.
Bock M., Schmitt J., Beck J., Seth B., Chappellaz J. and Fischer H.
Dispositif et procédé d'extraction d'au moins un gaz dissout dans un liquide
CNRS Patent submission, French National Institute of Industrial Property 17 50063, p. BFF 15PO945/APE, 2017
Triest J., Chappellaz J. and Grilli R.
Crichton K.A., Bouttes N., Roche D.M., Chappellaz J. and Krinner G.
Rhodes R.H., Faïn X., Brook E.J., McConnell J.R., Maselli O.J., Sigl M., Edwards J., Buizert C., Blunier T., Chappellaz J. and Freitag J.
Brovkin V., Brücher T., Kleiner T., Zaehle S., Joos F., Roth R., Spahni R., Schmitt J., Fischer H., Leuenberger M., Stone E.J., Ridgwell A., Chappellaz J., Kehrwald N., Barbante C., Blunier T. and Dahl-Jensen D.
Revision of the EPICA Dome C CO2 record from 800 to 600kyr before present
Geophysical Research Letters 42, p. doi:10.1002/ 2014GL061957, 2015
Bereiter B., Eggleston S., Schmitt J., Nehrbass-Ahles C., Stocker T.F., Fischer H., Kipfstuhl S. and Chappellaz J.
Quiquet A., Archibald A.T., Friend A.D., Chappellaz J., Levine J.G., Stone E.J., Telford P.J. and Pyle J.A.
The SUBGLACIOR drilling probe: concept and design
Annals of Glaciology 55 (68), p. 233-242, 2014
Alemany O., Chappellaz J., Triest J., Calzas M., Cattani O., Chemin J.F., Desbois Q., Desbois T., Duphil R., Falourd S., Grilli R., Guillerm C., Kerstel E., Laurent B., Lefebvre E., Marrocco N., Pascual O., Piard L., Possenti P., Romanini D., Thiebault V. and Yamani R.
Crichton, K. A., Roche D.M., Krinner G. and Chappellaz J.
Faïn X., Chappellaz J., Rhodes R.H., Stowasser C., Blunier T., McConnell J.R., Brook E.J., Preunkert S., Legrand M., Debois T. and Romanini D.
Baumgartner M., Kindler P., Eicher O., Floch G., Schilt A., Schwander J., Spahni R., Capron E., Chappellaz J., Leuenberger M., Fischer H. and Stocker T. F.
Landais A., Dreyfus G., Capron E., Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V., Roche D.M., Prié F., Caillon N., Chappellaz J., Leuenberger M., Lourantou A., Parrenin F., Raynaud D. and Teste G.
Chappellaz J., Stowasser C., Blunier T., Baslev-Clausen D., Brook E.J., Dallmayr R., Faïn X., Lee J.E., Mitchell L.E., Pascual O., Romanini D., Rosen J. and Schupbach S.
NEEM Community Members (Including Chappellaz J.)
Schilt A., Baumgartner M., Eicher O., Chappellaz J., Schwander J., Fischer H. and Stocker T.F.
Rhodes R.H., Faïn X., Stowasser C., Blunier T., Chappellaz J., McConnell J., Romanini D., Mitchell L.E. and Brook E.J.
Foley A.M., Dalmonech D., Friend A.D., Aires F., Archibald A.T., Bartlein P., Bopp L., Chappellaz J., Cox P., Edwards N.R., Feulner G., Friedlingstein P., Harrison S.P., Hopcroft P.O., Jones C.D., Kolassa J., Levine J.G., Prentice I.C., Pyle J., Vasquez Riveiros N., Wolff E.W. and Zaehle S.
Fischer H., Severinghaus J., Brook E., Wolff E., Albert M., Alemany O., Arthern R., Bentley C., Blankenship D., Chappellaz J., Creyts T., Dahl-Jensen D., Dinn M., Frezzotti M., Fujita S., Gallee H., Hindmarch R., Hudspeth D., Jugie G., Kawamura K., Lipenkov V., Miller H., Mulvaney R., Parrenin F., Pattyn F., Ritz C., Schwander J., Steinhage D., van Ommen T. and Wilhelms F.
Hou S., Chappellaz J., Raynaud D., Masson-Delmotte V., Jouzel J., Bousquet P. and Hauglustaine D.
Rasmussen S.O, Abbott P.M., Blunier T., Bourne A. J., Brook E., Buchardt S.L., Buizert C., Chappellaz J., Clausen H.B., Cook E., Dahl-Jensen D., Davies S.M., Guillevic M., Kipfstuhl S., Laepple T., Seierstad I.K., Severinghaus J.P., Steffensen J.P., Stowasser C., Svensson A., Vallelonga P., Vinther B.M., Wilhelms F. and Winstrup M.
Bazin L., Landais A., Lemieux-Dudon B., Toyé Mahamadou Kele H., Veres D., Parrenin F., Martinerie P., Ritz C., Capron E., Lipenkov V., Loutre M.F., Raynaud D., Vinther B., Svensson A., Rasmussen S.O., Severi M., Blunier T., Leuenberger M., Fischer H., Masson-Delmotte V., Chappellaz J. and Wolff E.
Veres D., Bazin L., Landais A., Toyé Mahamadou Kele H., Lemieux-Dudon B., Parrenin F., Martinerie P., Blayo E., Blunier T., Capron E., Chappellaz J., Rasmussen S.O., Severi M., Svensson A., Vinther B. and Wolff E.W.
A 60 yr record of atmospheric carbon monoxide reconstructed from Greenland firn air
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13, p. 7567-7585, 2013
Petrenko V.V., Martinerie P., Novelli P., Etheridge D., Levin I., Wang Z., Blunier T., Chappellaz J., Kaiser J., Lang P., Steele L.P., Hammer S., Mak J., Langenfelds R.L., Schwander J., Severinghaus J.P., Witrant E., Petron G., Battle M.O., Forster G., Sturges W.T., Lamarque J.F., Steffen K. and White J.W.C.
Capron E., Landais A., Buiron D., Cauquoin A., Chappellaz J., Debret M., Jouzel J., Leuenberger M., Martinerie P., Masson-Delmotte V., Mulvaney R., Parrenin F. and Prié F.
Sapart C.J., Martinerie P., Witrant E., Chappellaz J., van de Wal R.S.W., Sperlich P., van der Veen C., Bernard S., Sturges W.T., Blunier T., Schwander J., Etheridge D. and Röckmann T.
Chappellaz J., Alemany O., Romanini D. and Kerstel E.
Parrenin F., Barker S., Blunier T., Chappellaz J., Jouzel J., Landais A., Masson-Delmotte V., Schwander J. and Veres D.
Capron E., Landais A., Chappellaz J., Buiron D., Fischer H., Johnsen S.J, Jouzel J., Leuenberger M., Masson-Delmotte V. and. Stocker T.F.
Atmospheric impacts and ice core imprints of a methane pulse from clathrates
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 349-350, p. 98-108, 2012
Bock J., Martinerie P., Witrant E. and Chappellaz J.
Buiron D., Stenni B., Chappellaz J., Landais A., Baumgartner M., Bonazza M., Capron E., Frezzotti M., Kageyama M., Lemieux-Dudon B., Masson-Delmotte V., Parrenin F., Schilt A., Selmo E., Severi M., Swingedouw D. and R. Udisti
Wang Z., Chappellaz J., Martinerie P., Park K., Petrenko V., Witrant E., Emmons L.K., Blunier T., Brenninkmeijer C.A.M. and Mak J.E.
Schmitt J., Schneider R., Elsig J., Leuenberger D., Lourantou A., Chappellaz J., Köhler P., Joos F., Stocker T.F., Leuenberger M. and Fischer H.
Continuous measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5, p. 999-1013, 2012
Stowasser C., Buizert C., Gkinis V., Chappellaz J., Schüpbach S., Bigler M., Faïn X., Sperlich P., Baumgartner M., Schilt A. and Blunier T.
The last deglaciation: timing the bipolar seesaw
Climate of the Past 7, p. 671-683, 2011
Pedro J.B., van Ommen T.D., Rasmussen S.O., Morgan V.I., Chappellaz J., Moy A.D., Masson-Delmotte V. and Delmotte M.
Li J., Xu B. and Chappellaz J.
Schaefer H., Lourantou A., Chappellaz J., Lüthi D., Bereiter B. and Barnola J.M.
Köhler P., Knorr G., Buiron D., Lourantou A., and Chappellaz, J.
Buiron D., Chappellaz J., Stenni B., Frezzotti M., Baumgartner M., Capron E., Landais A., Lemieux-Dudon B., Masson-Delmotte V., Montagnat M., Parrenin F. and Schilt A.
B. Stenni, D. Buiron, M. Frezzotti, S. Albani, C. Barbante, E. Bard, J. M. Barnola, M. Baroni, M. Baumgartner, M. Bonazza, E. Capron, E. Castellano, J. Chappellaz, B. Delmonte, S. Falourd, L. Genoni, P. Iacumin, J. Jouzel, S. Kipfstuhl, A. Landais, B. Lemieux-Dudon, V. Maggi, V. Masson-Delmotte, C. Mazzola, B. Minster, M. Montagnat, R. Mulvaney, B. Narcisi, H. Oerter, F. Parrenin, J. R. Petit, C. Ritz, C. Scarchilli, A. Schilt, S. Schüpbach, J. Schwander, E. Selmo, M. Severi, T. F. Stocker and R. Udisti
Capron E., Landais A., Chappellaz J., Schilt A., Buiron D., Dahl-Jensen D., Johnsen S.J., Jouzel J., Lemieux-Dudon B., Loulergue L., Leuenberger M., Masson-Delmotte V., Meyer H., Oerter H. and Stenni B.
Narcisi B., Petit J.R. and Chappellaz J.
Lourantou A., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Masson-Delmotte V. and Raynaud D.
Xu J., Hou S., Qin D., Kaspari S., Mayewski P.A., Petit J.R., Delmonte B., Kang S.C., Ren J., Chappellaz J. and Hong S.
Constraint of the CO2 rise by new atmospheric carbon isotopic measurements during the last deglaciation
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24, p. GB2015, doi:10.1029/2009GB003545, 2010
Lourantou A., Lavric J.V., Köhler P., Barnola J.M., Michel E., Paillard D., Raynaud D. and Chappellaz J.
EPICA Dome C record of glacial and interglacial intensities
Quaternary Science Reviews 29, p. 113-128, 2010
Masson-Delmotte V., Stenni B., Pol K., Braconnot P., Cattani O., Falourd S., Kageyama M., Jouzel J., Landais A., Minster B., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Krinner G., Johnsen S., Röthlisberger R., Hansen J., Mikolajewicz U. and Otto-Bliesner B.
O’Connor F.M., Boucher O., Gedney N., Jones C.D., Folberth G.A., Coppell R., Friedlingstein P., Collins W.J., Chappellaz J., Ridley J. and Johnson C.E.
Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140,000 years
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 300, p. 33-43, 2010
Schilt A., Baumgartner M., Schwander J., Buiron D., Capron E., Chappellaz J., Loulergue L., Schüpbach S., Spahni R., Fischer H. and Stocker T.F.
Wang Z., Chappellaz J., Park K. and Mak J.E.
Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial: The ice core record
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (21-22), p. 2828-2838, 2010
Wolff E.W., Chappellaz J., Blunier T., Rasmussen S.O. and Svensson A.
Abrupt change of Antarctic moisture origin at the end of Termination II
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (27), p. 12091-12094, 2010
Masson-Delmotte V., Stenni B., Blunier T., Cattani O., Chappellaz J., Cheng H., Dreyfus G., Edwards R.L., Falourd S., Govin A., Kawamura K., Johnsen S.J., Jouzel J., Landais A., Lemieux-Dudon B., Lourantou A., Marshall G., Minster B., Mudelsee M., Pol K., Röthlisberger R., Selmo E. and Waelbroeck C.
Capron E., Landais A., Lemieux-Dudon B., Schilt A., Masson-Delmotte V., Buiron D., Chappellaz J., Dahl-Jensen D., Johnsen S., Leuenberger M., Loulergue L. and Oerter H.
Perspective : Shifting Gear, Quickly
Science 324, p. 477-478, 2009
Nisbet E.G. and Chappellaz J.
Huiban Y., Noirez S., Prinzhofer A., Girard J.P. and Chappellaz J.
Loulergue L., Schilt A., Spahni R., Masson-Delmotte V., Blunier T., Lemieux B., Barnola J.M., Raynaud D., Stocker T.F. and Chappellaz J.
Fischer H., Behrens M., Bock M., Richter U., Schmitt J., Loulergue L., Chappellaz J., Spahni R., Blunier T., Leuenberger M. and Stocker T.F.
Synchronization of ice core records via atmospheric gases
Climate of the Past 3 (3), p. 325-330, 2007
Blunier T., Spahni R., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Loulergue L. and Schwander J.
The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core
Climate of the Past 3 (3), p. 485-497, 2007
Parrenin F., Barnola J.M., Beer J., Blunier T., Castellano E., Chappellaz J., Dreyfus G., Fischer H., Fujita S., Jouzel J., Kawamura K., Lemieux-Dudon B., Loulergue L., Masson-Delmotte V., Narcisi B., Petit J.R., Raisbeck G., Raynaud D., Ruth U., Schwander J., Severi M., Spahni R., Steffensen J.P., Svensson A., Udisti R., Waelbroeck C. and Wolff E.
Loulergue L., Parrenin F., Blunier T., Barnola J.M., Spahni R., Schilt A., Raisbeck G. and Chappellaz J.
Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V., Cattani O., Dreyfus G., Falourd S., Hoffmann G., Minster B., Nouet J., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Fischer H., Gallet J.C., Johnsen S., Leuenberger M., Loulergue L., Luethi D., Oerter H., Parrenin F., Raisbeck G., Raynaud D., Schilt A., Schwander J., Selmo E., Souchez R., Spahni R., Stauffer B., Steffensen J.P., Stenni B., Stocker T.F., Tison J.L., Werner M. and Wolff E.W.
Hou S., Chappellaz J., Jouzel J., Chu P.C., Masson-Delmotte V., Qin D., Raynaud D., Mayewski P.A. and Lipenkov V.Y.
Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 millennial variability stratigraphically identical to MIS 3
Paleoceanography 22 PA1208, p. doi:10.1029/2006PA001345, 2007
Siddall M., Stocker T.F., Blunier T., Spahni R., Schwander J., Barnola J.M. and Chappellaz J.
Assonov S.S., Brenninkmeijer C.A.M., Jockel P.J., Mulvaney R., Bernard S. and Chappellaz J.
Clark I.D., Henderson L., Chappellaz J., Fisher D., Koerner R., Worthy D.E.J., Kotzer T., Norman A.L. and Barnola J.M.
Gas isotopes in ice reveal a vegetated central Greenland during ice sheet invasion
Geophysical Research Letters 33 L24503, p. doi:10.1029/2006GL028424, 2006
Souchez R., Jouzel J., Landais A., Chappellaz J., Lorrain R. and Tison J.-L.
Gas age-ice age differences and the chronology of the Vostok ice core, 0-100 ka
Journal of Geophysical Research 111 D21115, p. doi:10.1029/2005JD006488, 2006
Bender M., Floch G., Chappellaz J., Suwa M., Barnola J.-M., Blunier T., Dreyfus G., Jouzel J. and Parrenin F.
EPICA Community Members (including Chappellaz J.)
Worton, DR., Sturges WT., Schwander J., Mulvaney R., Barnola J.M. and Chappellaz J.
Bernard S., Röckmann T., Kaiser J., Barnola J.M., Fischer H., Blunier T. and Chappellaz J.
Spahni R., Chappellaz J., Stocker T.F., Loulergue L., Hausammann G., Kawamura K., Flückiger J., Schwander J., Raynaud D., Masson-Delmotte V. and Jouzel J.
Masson-Delmotte V., Landais A., Combourieu-Nebout N., von Grafenstein U., Jouzel J., Caillon N., Chappellaz J., Dahl-Jensen D., Johnsen S.J. and Stenni B.
Wolff E., Kull C., Chappellaz J., Fischer H., Miller H., Stocker T., Watson A., Flower B., Joos F., Köhler P., Matsumoto K., Monnin E., Mudelsee M., Paillard D. and Shackleton N.
Atmospheric trends of the halon gases from polar firn air
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5, p. 937-960, 2005
Reeves C.E., Sturges W.T., Sturrock G.A., Preston K., Oram D.E., Schwander J., Mulvaney R., Barnola J.-M. and Chappellaz J.
Records of the δ13C of atmospheric CH4 over the last two centuries as recorded in Antarctic snow and ice
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 GB2002, p. doi:10.1029/2004GB002408, 2005
Sowers T., Bernard S., Aballain O., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.-M. and Marik T.
Landais A., Barnola J.-M., Masson-Delmotte V., Jouzel J., Chappellaz J., Caillon N., Huber C., Leuenberger M. and Johnsen S.J.
North Greenland Ice-Core Project (NorthGRIP) Members (including Chappellaz J.)
EPICA Community Members (including Chappellaz J.)
Landais A., Caillon N., Goujon C., Grachev A., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V. and Leuenberger M.
Delmotte M., Chappellaz J., Brook E., Yiou P., Barnola J.M., Goujon C., Raynaud D. and Lipenkov V.I.
Age of Himalayan bottom ice cores
Journal of Glaciology 50, p. 467-468, 2004
Hou S., Qin D., Jouzel J., Masson-Delmotte V., von Grafenstein U., Landais A., Caillon N. and Chappellaz J.,
Blunier T., Schwander J., Chappellaz J., Parrenin F. and Barnola J.M.
Combined element (H and C) stable isotopic ratios of methane in carbonaceous chondrites.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 347, p. 807-812, 2004
Butterworth A.L., Aballain O., Chappellaz J. and Sephton M.A.
N2O and CH4 variations during the last glacial epoch: Insight into global processes.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 GB1020, p. doi:10.1029/2003GB002122, 2004
Flückiger J., Blunier T., Stauffer B., Chappellaz J., Spahni R., Kawamura K., Schwander J., Stocker T.F. and Dahl-Jensen D.
Landais A., Chappellaz J., Delmotte M., Jouzel J., Blunier T., Bourg C., Caillon C., Cherrier S., Malaizé B., Masson-Delmotte V., Raynaud D., Schwander J. and Steffensen J.P.
A novel method to study the phase relationship between Antarctic and Greenland climate.
Geophysical Research Letters 30 1899, p. 10.1029/2003GL017838, 2003
Caillon N., Jouzel J., Severinghaus J.P., Chappellaz J. and Blunier T.
The attenuation of fast atmospheric CH4 variations recorded in polar ice cores.
Geophysical Research Letters 30 11, p. 10.1029/2003GL017093, 2003
Spahni R., Schwander J., Flückiger J., Stauffer B., Chappellaz J. and Raynaud D.
Morgan V. I., Delmotte M., v. Ommen T., Jouzel J., Chappellaz J., Woon S., Masson-Delmotte V. and Raynaud D.
Atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O records over the past 60,000 years based on the comparison of different polar ice cores.
Annals of Glaciology 35, p. 202-208, 2002
Stauffer B.,Flückiger J., Monnin E., Schwander J., Barnola J.M. and Chappellaz J.
Indirect relationship between surface water budget and wetland extent.
Geophysical Research Letters 29, p. (4) 5 1-4, 2002
De Noblet-Ducoudré N., Poutou E., Chappellaz J., Coe M. and Krinner G.
High resolution Holocene N2O ice core record and its relationship with CH4 and CO2.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 1, p. 10.1029/2001GB001417, 2002
Flückiger J., Monnin E., Stauffer B., Schwander J., Stocker T.F., Chappellaz J., Raynaud D. and Barnola J.M.
Caillon N., Severinghaus J.P., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Jouzel J. and Parrenin F.
Bräunlich M., Aballain O., Marik T., Jöckel P., Brenninkmeijer C.A.M., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Mulvaney R. and Sturges W.T.
Sturges W.T., Penkett S.A., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Atlas E. and Stroud V.
Methyl bromide, other brominated methanes and methyl iodide in polar firn air.
Journal of Geophysical Research 106, p. 1595-1606, 2001
Sturges W.T., McIntyre H.P., Penkett S.A., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Mulvaney R., Atlas E. and Stroud V.
Dällenbach A., Blunier T., Flückiger J., Stauffer B., Chappellaz J. and Raynaud D.
Fabre A., Barnola J.M., Arnaud L. and Chappellaz J.
Raynaud D., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Blunier T., Indermühle A. and Stauffer B.
Variations of CH4 concentrations recorded in Dunde ice core bubbles.
Chinese Science Bulletin 44, p. 383-384, 1999
Xu B., Yao T., Tian L. and Chappellaz J.
Petit J.R., Jouzel J., Raynaud D., Barkov N.I., Barnola J.M., Basile I., Bender M., Chappellaz J., Davis J., Delaygue G., Delmotte M., Kotlyakov V.M., Legrand M., Lipenkov V., Lorius C., Pépin L., Ritz C., Saltzman E. and Stievenard M.
Blunier T., Chappellaz J., Schwander J., Dallenbach A., Stauffer B., Stocker T., Raynaud D., Jouzel J., Clausen H.B., Hammer C.U. and Johnsen S.J.
Stauffer B., Blunier T., Dallenbach A., Indermuhle A., Schwander J., Stocker T., Tschumi J., Chappellaz J., Raynaud D., Hammer C.U. and Clausen H.B.
Blunier T., Schwander J., Stocker T., Dallenbach A., Indermuhle A., Tschumi J., Chappellaz J., Raynaud D. and Barnola J.M.
Chappellaz J., Blunier T., Kints S., Dallenbach A., Barnola J.M., Schwander J., Raynaud D. and Stauffer B.
Sowers T., Brook E., Blunier T., Fuchs A., Leuenberger M., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Etheridge D., Wahlen M., Deck B. and Weyhenmeyer C.
Air content along the GRIP core and past surface elevation in Central Greenland.
Journal of Geophysical Research 102, p. 26607-26614, 1997
Raynaud D., Chappellaz J., Ritz C. and Martinerie P.
Chappellaz J., Brook E., Blunier T. and Malaize B.
Blunier T., Chappellaz J., Schwander J., Stauffer B. and Raynaud D.
Souchez R., Lemmens M. and Chappellaz J.
Martinerie P., Lipenkov V.Y., Raynaud D., Chappellaz J., Barkov N.I. and Lorius C.
Bender M.L., Sowers T., Barnola J.M. and Chappellaz J.
Global Younger Dryas ?
EOS 74, 50, p. 587-589, 1993
Alley R., Bond G., Chappellaz J., Clapperton, C., Del Genio A., Keigwin, L. and Peteet D.
Chappellaz J., Blunier T., Barnola J.M., Raynaud D., Schwander J. and Stauffer B.
Blunier T., Chappellaz J.A., Schwander J., Barnola J.M., Desperts T., Stauffer B. and Raynaud D.
Gravitational separation in polar firn.
Science 262, p. 763-764, 1993
Craig H., Raynaud D., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Delmas R.J. and Lorius C.
Jouzel J., Barkov N.I., Barnola J.M., Bender M., Chappellaz J., Genthon C., Kotlyakov V.M., Lipenkov V., Lorius C., Petit J.R., Raynaud D., Raisbeck G., Ritz C., Sowers T., Stievenard M., Yiou F. and Yiou P.
GRIP Project Members (including Chappellaz J.)
Thompson A.M., Chappellaz J.A., Fung I.Y. and Kucsera T.L.
Chappellaz J.A., Fung I.Y. and Thompson A.M.
The ice record of greenhouse gases.
Science 259, p. 926-934, 1993
Raynaud D., Jouzel J., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Delmas R.J. and Lorius C.
Raynaud D., Barnola J.M., Chappellaz J., Zardini D., Jouzel J. and Lorius C.
Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Raynaud D., Korotkevich Y.S. and Lorius C.
Raynaud D., Chappellaz J., Barnola J.M., Korotkevich Y.S. and Lorius C.