Curriculum vitae of Jérôme Chappellaz

59-year old (born on December 22, 1964)
Married, three children
French citizenship

Main field of research

External geosciences:

  • climate system
  • paleoclimate
  • biogeochemical cycles
  • atmospheric physics and chemistry
  • isotope geochemistry
  • glaciology
  • polar science
  • instruments in oceanography


  • Analytical approaches on ice cores
  • Temporal evolution of greenhouse gases
  • Anthropogenic impact and natural trends
  • Constraints on climate dynamics and on glaciological parameters
  • Dissolved gas composition in the oceans

Education and employment history

  • 1987: Master in geophysics and geochemistry, University Joseph Fourier - Grenoble
  • 1990: PhD in geophysics, geochemistry and environment, University Joseph Fourier-Grenoble
  • 1990: Recruted as Researcher, second class, at National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
  • 1990-1991: National Research Council Resident Research Associate, NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, USA
  • 1994: Promoted CNRS Researcher, First class
  • 2002 : Habilitation diploma, University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble
  • 2002 : Promoted CNRS Research Director (Senior Scientist, equivalent to Full Professor), second class
  • 2009 : Promoted CNRS Research Director, First class
  • 2018 : Nominated Director of the French polar institute Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV)
  • 2020 : Promoted CNRS Research Director of Exceptional Class (DRCE1)
  • 2022 : Promoted CNRS Research Director of Exceptional Class (DRCE2)
  • 11/2022 : Nominated Professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)


  • 187 publications, including 133 in high-impact scientific journals (impact factor above 1, referenced in Thomson-ISI)
  • 19 publications in Nature (including Nature Geoscience) and 10 publications in Science
  • One European CNRS Patent
  • H-index : 56 ; G-index : 148 (~22,000 citations, Highly Cited Researcher 2003, 2014 and since 2016) ; Index h - Google Scholar : 69
  • Co-author of three books for a wide audience (published in 2006, 2010 and 2015) + foreword of a book gathering pioneering articles in climate science

Prizes and awards

  • 2023 : Belgica Medal of the Royal Academy for sciences and the arts in Belgium
  • 2022 : Medal of honor for overseas commitment, bronze level, Ministry of Overseas - France
  • 2022: Medal of the French Austral and Antarctic Territories (TAAF)
  • 2021: Nominated Chevalier (Knight) in the French National Order of the Legion of honor
  • 2016 : Highly Cited Researcher en géosciences, Thomson Reuters ISI
  • 2016 : elected Member of the Philomatic Society of Paris
  • 2016 : European Research Council Proof of Concept Grant
  • 2015 : National Silver medal of CNRS
  • 2014 : Niels Bohr medal of honor
  • 2014 : Highly Cited Researcher in Geosciences, Thomson Reuters ISI
  • 2013 : Fellow of the European Association of Geochemistry and of the Geochemical Society (USA)
  • 2013: Science Innovation Award and Nicolas Shackleton medal of the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)
  • 2012: Winner of the business sponsorship competition organized by the French Ministry for Environment and Energy, together with the BNP Paribas Foundation (Subglacior project)
  • 2011 : European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant
  • 2010 : Nominated Chevalier (Knight) in the French National Order of Merit
  • 2010: Paul Gast Award, Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry
  • 2008: Descartes Prize from the European Union, for collaborative research (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica)
  • 2006: Highly-Cited Researcher in Geosciences, Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  • 2001: French Laureate for the number of citations, period 1981-1998, Thomson Reuters
  • 2001: Grand Prix Jaffé from the French Academy of Sciences (with JM. Barnola)
  • 1993: National Bronze medal of CNRS
  • 1990: Awarded a US National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship

Project management

  • Co-coordinator of the project "Ice Memory" of the University Grenoble-Alpes foundation 2015-2020
  • Coordinator of the European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept OCEAN-IDs 2016-2017
  • Coordinator of the SUBOCEAN project sponsored by the Technology Transfer Accelerator Linksium - Grenoble, 2015-2017
  • Coordinator of the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant ICE&LASERS 2012-2017
  • Science leader of the glaciological branch of the French EquipEX CLIMCOR 2012-2023
  • Coordinator of the Joint International Laboratory “VOSTOK” between Russia and France 2012-2015
  • Principal Investigator for LGGE within six European projects :
  • Principal Investigator for LGGE within two Marie-Curie European Training Networks :
  • Vice-chairman of the European COST Action PERGAMON n°902, 2010-2014
  • Coordinator of the national programme “carbon and sulfur in polar regions” 1997-2000, National Programme of Atmospheric Chemistry (INSU/CNRS)
  • Coordinator of bilateral projects :
    • Alliance (United Kingdom), 2000-2001 : Methane isotopes in firn air and polar ice cores
    • Procope (Germany), 2002 : “Isotopic characterization of atmospheric nitrous oxide based on ice core studies”
    • PICS « CLEAH » (China), 2005-2007 : « Climate and environment in Antarctica and the Himalayas »
  • Coordinator of the IPEV (french polar institute) projects
    • Talos Dome 2005-2007
    • Explore 2010-2012
    • Taylor-CO 2011-2012
    • Subglacior 2013-2017
    • Drilling part of CHICTABA 2013-2014
    • Beyond EPICA : Oldest Ice 2018-2020
  • Science leader of the international projet TALDICE
  • Coordinator of the French ANR project “Dome A” 2007-2013
  • Coordinator of the SUBGLACIOR project sponsored by the BNP Paribas Foundation 2010-2013 and by the Mamont Foundation 2015

Management of national research

Management of international research

  • Since 11/2021 : Member of the Science and Technology Advisory Board (STAB) of the Swiss Polar Institute
  • Since 07/2021 : Chairman of the strategic board of the Foundation Ice Memory
  • 2018-2022: Member of the French delegation at the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM) and of the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP)
  • 2018-2022: French National Representative at the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (COMNAP)
  • 2018-2022: Member of the Steering Committee of Concordia Station
  • 2018-2022: French National Representative at the Ny-Alesund Science Managers Committee (NySMAC)
  • 2018-2022: French National Representative at the Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO) and member of the Executive committee
  • 2018-2022: French National Representative at the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
  • 2018-2020: Participant of the European project EU-PolarNet
  • 2017-2022: Representative of CNRS and then of IPEV within the European Polar Board
  • 2017-2018: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Norwegian center of excellence CAGE (Center for Arctic Gas hydrates, Environment and climate), Tromso, Norway
  • 2015-2017: Member of evaluation Panels of the European Research Council (ERC)
  • 2016: Member of the organizing committee of the IPICS Second Open Science Conference, Hobart, Australie (250 participants, more than 20 nations)
  • October 2012 : Organizer of the International IPICS First Open Science Conference at Giens, France (230 participants, 23 nations,
  • 2009: Member of the organizing committee of the IGBP/PAGES Open Science Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
  • 2008-2017: Member of the scientific committee and executive committee of the european part (EuroPICS) of the project “International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences”, sponsored by IGBP/PAGES and SCAR
  • 2006-2017: Member of the Steering committee of International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS)
  • 2005: Organizer and Chairman of the Euroconference EC-ESF « Polar Regions and Quaternary Climate », Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy (100 participants, more than 20 nations)
  • 2005 - 2009: Member of the Scientific Committee of the programme IGBP/AIMES (Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System)
  • 2004 - 2009: Member of the Scientific Committee (and Executive Committee 2006-2009) of the programme IGBP/PAGES (Past Global Changes)
  • 2003: Co-organizer and Co-chairman of the Euroconference EC-ESF « Polar Regions and Quaternary Climate », San Feliu, Spain (80 participants, more than 20 nations)

Scientific field expeditions

Science leader on several field expeditions in polar regions, for ice core drilling, firn air pumping and first scientific investigations on the cores

  • Antarctica:
    • SUBGLACIOR project at Concordia Stattion (2017-2018, 2 months)
    • SUBGLACIOR project at Concordia Stattion (2016-2017, 2.5 months)
    • SUBGLACIOR project at Concordia Station and LOCK-IN project 135 km away from Concordia (2015-2016, 2.5 months)
    • Aurora Basin North, under Australian supervision (2013-2014, 1.5 months)
    • Point Barnola site nearby Concordia station + first scientific traverse between Vostok and Concordia (2011-2012, 2 months)
    • Talos Dome close to the Northern Victoria mountains (2006-2007, 2.5 months, with Italy and UK)
    • Hercules Neve in the Trans-Antarctic mountains (1994-1995, 2 months, with Italy)
    • D47 nearby the Adelie coast (1988-1989, 2.5 months, French operation)
  • Arctic:
    • expedition in Greenland, in charge of gas optical measurements on the NEEM deep ice core (2010, 1 month, with 14 nations)
    • expedition in the Canadian Arctic, as science leader for firn air pumping at the summit of Devon Island (1998, 1 month, with Canada)

1 expedition in the French Alps, for firn air pumping at the high-altitude (4250m) site of Col du Dôme (1994, 2 weeks, with Germany and Switzerland). + 2 other expeditions in the Alps for glacier mass balance studies.

Participant of an oceanographic experiment "SUB-OCEAN" onboard the Tethys-II research vessel in the Mediterranean Sea, July 2014, 1 week

Invited on a "Grand Nord Grand Large" cruise around the Svalbard archipelago, August 2016, 10 days

Participant of the OP3 voyage of the Marion-Dufresne oceanographic vessel in the French Austral Territories, November 2018, 1 month

Mission in Antarctica with the Prefect of TAAF E. Decorps, January 2019, 3 weeks

Organizer and participant of the Ministerial visit of the French minister F. Vidal and of the CEO of CNRS A. Petit in Antarctica, November 2019, 9 days

Mission in Svalbard with the French ambassador for polar and maritime affairs, August 2021, 1 week

Mission in Antarctica with the Prefect of TAAF C. Giusti, November 2021, 4 weeks

Student and personnel supervision

15 PhD students, 5 post-docs (# director, *unofficial), 4 engineers

PhD students:

  • CH4 measurements, biogeochemistry, stratigraphy:
    • EPICA and Vostok cores, including CO2 (Blandine Bellier*, UJF, 2001-2004)
    • EPICA Dome C, EPICA EDML, Berkner (Laetitia Loulergue#, UJF, 2005-2008)
    • Talos Dome (Daphné Buiron#, UJF, 2007-2010)
  • CH4 isotope and biogeochemistry:
    • firn air Dome C, South Pole, EDML (Olivier Aballain#, UJF, 1998-2002)
  • CH4, N2O and CO isotopes and biogeochemistry:
    • firn air Dome C, Berkner, NorthGRIP (Sophie Bernard#, UJF, 2001-2004; FP4 european funding)
  • CO2 isotopes and biogeochemistry:
    • EPICA Dome C (Anna Lourantou#, UJF, 2005-2008; RTN European funding)
    • Antarctic ice cores (Miral Shah#, UJF, 2010-2013; ITN European funding)
    • Climate / carbon-cycle modelling (Katherine Crichton#, UJF, 2010-2013; ITN European funding)
    • CO2 at high resolution (Jinhwa Shin#, UGA, 2015-2018; funding from LabEx OSUG@2020 and ERC project)
  • CO and its isotopes:
    • preindustrial and recent trend (Zhihui Wang*, Stony Brook Univ., USA, 2007-2010)
  • Himalayan ice core records:
    • Dunde (Tian Lide, Lanzhou Univ., China, 1997-1999)
    • Dasuopu (Xu Baiqing*, Lanzhou Univ., China, 1998-2000)
  • Ice core air isotope analyses:
    • Vostok (Nicolas Caillon*, Paris 6, 1997-2000)
    • NorthGRIP (Amaelle Landais*, Paris 6, 2001-2004)
    • EPICA EDML (Emilie Capron*, UVSQ, 2007-2010)


  • Marc Delmotte# (France, 1998, CH4 measurements in Vostok ice core)
  • Hou Shugui# (China, 2003-2005, multi-tracer approach on East Rongbuk ice core)
  • Jost Lavric# (Slovenia, 2004- 2006, new analytical system for δ13C of CO2 in ice cores)
  • Hinrich Schaefer# (Canada, 2007-2008, δ13C of CO2 in EPICA Dome C and Berkner ice cores)
  • Xavier Faïn# (France, 2010-2013, CO and its isotopes in firn air and ice cores)


  • Grégory Teste
  • Olivier Pascual
  • Rémi Dallmayr
  • Sarah Renault
  • Clara Dupraz

Teaching and outreach

  • Courses at the PhD school TUE, Grenoble University, option “Biogeochemical Cycles”
  • Conferences at the “European Research Courses on Atmospheres” (ERCA), Grenoble, France
  • DEA Courses Climate and Physico-Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Grenoble University, option “Climate”
  • DEA Courses in Environmental oceanography, Bordeaux University, France
  • Courses at the 4th International Seminar on Climate System and Climate Change, Beijing (China)
  • Seminars of glaciology at national and international laboratories (IPG Paris, ENS Lyon, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Lund University, Bern University...)
  • Conferences for general public audience (Grenoble, Annecy, Marseille)
  • Television scientific broadcasts, and numerous interviews for newspapers and radios
  • In charge of science news at LGGE (web, communication services of CNRS and UJF)
  • Advice to local policymakers about greenhouse gas emissions control
  • Co-organizer of informal gatherings between citizens and scientists in the Grenoble vicinity, to exchange on different fields of science
  • President of the "Expert Club" of the project "Ice and Sky", Wild Touch Association - Luc Jacquet